playing it safe?
We have been studying the parables of Jesus in a Wednesday evening Bible study at church. This week, one of the parables we discussed was the parable of the three servants … Once there was a man who...
View Articlelenten prayer
A beautiful and empowering Lenten prayer posted by David Warkentin, reminding us that Lent is not merely about self-denial, but about transformation: Fast from judging others; feast on the Christ...
View Articleucc runs an ad
The national office of the United Church of Christ is raising $120,000 ($82,600 raised as of March 31, 12:00 noon) to run a full-page ad in Wednesday’s edition of the New York Times. The ad is a...
View Articledisconnected faith?
In a couple of weeks, our congregation will be hosting a “Cool Congregations” workshop, intended to promote an informed and committed response by people of faith to the serious environmental threat...
View Articlegoing to new orleans
Even three years after hurricane Katrina, there is much rebuilding work yet to do in New Orleans as this video from the Center for American Progress indicates …...
View Articlevoting for obama is a mortal sin?
Statement from The Rev. Susie B. Smith On The Controversy Surrounding St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greenville
View Articlegood questions!
At what point do we move past the description of all that we are against and actually take an active stand for something? When do we stop just talking about religion and wishing others would be more...
View Articleash wednesday
Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day in another season of Lent. This banner will hang in our sanctuary tonight as begin our Lent together with an evensong service, Marty Haugen’s Holden Evening...
View Articleillegal to love your neighbor in arizona?
Here is an excerpt from a recent report by Jim Wallis from Phoenix, Arizona. May the followers of Jesus in our own day echo the words of Peter and John and the other apostles: “We must obey God, not...
View Articleconflict and community
Conflict and community are not mutually exclusive. Violence and community are mutually exclusive. Rachel Simons is a member of a Word Made Flesh team serving God by working with children in Moldova. In...
View Articleblaming the victim?
I am reprinting in its entirety a response to a Facebook message posted a week ago by Franklin Graham. The open letter has thirty-two original signatories, including members of the Sojourners...
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